Sunday, March 16, 2014


I started my weight loss journey at 295 pounds and a size 24. It was very difficult to find clothing that made me feel beautiful and look feminine, powerful, and confident. I began making concerted efforts to lose weight in March 2013. I had lost ~15 pounds when my husband deployed in July 2013. By the time he got home in January 2014I had lost an additional 35 lbs.  It has been a constant struggle, but I work hard on a daily basis to put the right things in my mouth and get my butt outside in this beautiful Hawaiian weather to exercise and become a healthier me.

I volunteer in an office that requires a business professional dress code. I was tired of wearing my same old too-big-for-me dress pants, so when I started working seasonally at the Navy Exchange, I signed up for Gwynnie Bee.  It is similar to Netflix but for clothing.  Minorly expensive, maybe, but absolutely worth the $80/month to swap out 3 items at a time. You get steep discounts on items you want to keep, and they pay for shipping - which is wonderful for people like me here in HI who have to pay shipping on everything.

So, I have never been shy about my measurements or my weight, so I am going to post my styles with my weight, measurements, and size so I can help other ladies find their right sizes/styles and inspire them to feel beautiful in any body they were in. I could not start losing weight until I felt beautiful in my size 24. I am now a size 18 and still working - not to be thin, but to be STRONG, tone, confident, and healthy.

This is meant to empower women - large or small. Size 10 or 32 - to feel as beautiful as they are.  Be confident and love yourself - THAT is what's beautiful.


  1. I read your Hell Bunny review on GB, so I wandered over here to read more about it. Great job on your progress. I'm on a similar journey and GB has helped me be able to feel even more confident at work. Keep up the good work. Also, I am going to HI this summer. I am even more excited now seeing your pictures!

    1. I am glad you visited my blog! I hope you have a fantastic visit here in Hawaii. Which island are you visiting? All my pics on the blog thusfar have been on Oahu, but I've visited Kauai and Maui, too. All are beautiful! You can follow me on facebook if you want to know when I update the blog :-)
